" life is like the sea"

" life is like the sea"

วันอังคารที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Don't look at the hole in doughnut

Today I read an old proverb

Keep your eye on the donut and not on the hole."

It means focusing on what you had, not what you didn't have and
This proverb impies to convince you think positive.

But the other which is also very sharp proverb

Never forget the hole in donut

It means perhaps we may look at others in only good side but never look in the bad side of them. Maybe,they may have many bad things which we dob't know.But they hide it inside . We feel jealous them why they have a perfect life but you haven't. In fact, imperfection in every human life is simple thing like the hole in donut . If anybody look it from far distance , it will be complete donut without the hole.